Credenciamento e Recredenciamento de Docentes

Information about Faculty Accreditation and Reaccreditation

UFMS’s PDI mentions the importance of a qualified faculty to act in the postgraduate courses and encourages, for this, that public and transparent selection processes of professors are carried out through public announcements. Also, according to the PDI of UFMS, priority must always be given to the selection of qualified professors for postgraduate courses. Our policy for accreditation and re-accreditation aims to ensure that the Program’s faculty is committed to the demands of educational research, articulated with the program’s proposal and, especially, with the social demands presented daily. This implies valuing the qualified production of the professors, their socialization offering contributions to the development of society and to the region.

Procedures, transparency, and execution

The PPGE/CPAN has adopted a policy for accreditation and reaccreditation of professors whose objective is to guarantee that the program’s faculty is committed to the demands of research in education, articulated with the program’s proposal and, mainly, with the social demands presented daily. This implies valuing the qualified production of the professors, their socialization offering contributions to the development of society and to the region. To this end, public edicts are launched ensuring total transparency of the entire process, with clear and objective criteria. For the execution of the accreditation and re-accreditation of the professors, the evaluation commission is always composed of one professor from each research line in the program and, at least, one professor from outside UFMS. Currently, we take as criteria for the accreditation and re-accreditation process the academic production (intellectual, technical, teaching, research, extension) and the observation of compatibility between the professional profile of the professor and the area of concentration in social education.


To meet the principle of continuity and updating of the permanent professors, the accreditation is carried out annually (this periodicity may vary seeking to ensure stability and orderly growth of the permanent professors). The re-accreditation process, on the other hand, is carried out every two years, respecting the principle of continuity of the work. Thus, for professors to participate in the re-accreditation process, two years of activities must have elapsed, excluding from the process professors who have joined in the middle of this interval.




EDITAL DE RETIFICAÇÃO (altera a data do resultado final)


EDITAL DE RETIFICAÇÃO_recredenciamento 2019


Edital de Credenciamento 2018

Edital de Credenciamento 2017

Edital de Credenciamento 2017 (Versão em Word)