General information

Program History:

The Pantanal Campus (CPAN) – designation given to the Corumbá Campus of the Federal University of Mato Grosso do Sul (UFMS) – is a unit of the UFMS situated in a strategic local for the development of the state and country. Geographically, the municipality is in the Pantanal region. It borders Bolivia and Paraguay and, along with the city of Ladario, it establishes itself as the only urban center in the northwestern region of the state of Mato Grosso do Sul. It serves several students from the region, as well as from other states of the Union and other countries. It has made contacts and cooperation agreements with institutions from Bolivia, Chile, Costa Rica, Colombia, United States, Mexico, Spain, Portugal, France and Mozambique for the purpose of joint events and projects.

The Postgraduate Program in Education – Social Education (PPGE/CPAN), established in this Campus, is strongly related to the maturity of its Pedagogy Course, which completed 50 years of existence in 2017, and to the development of research by professors who are dedicated to studying populations in vulnerable situations, especially regarding the fulfillment of their rights. The diversity characteristics of the demand of the border region and the production of professors and students, still connected to the Pedagogy Course, added to the geographic distance with the capital of the state (450 km), urged the elaboration of the proposal in the field of Social Education, area of knowledge with characteristics not always attended by the Education Program operating in the capital since 1988. The proposal was sent and approved in 2008 and had its first class in 2009.

The implementation of this course is part of the UFMS goal of boosting the development of the state. Its first Postgraduate Program was the Education Program, in the late 1980’s, in Campo Grande. In order to strengthen the position of this University as a center of knowledge production and qualified professional education, it became necessary to create Postgraduate Programs stricto sensu outside the capital, respecting the specificities of each location and establishing qualified professors in these centers of development.

Three projects were essential, at the time, for the formulation and implementation of the Postgraduate Program in Education – Social Education Concentration Camp – in Corumbá: a) Centro de Referência de Estudos da Infância e da Adolescência – CREIA (Reference Center for Studies of Childhood and Adolescence), through an agreement between the extinct Centro Brasileiro para Infância e Adolescência – CBIA (Brazilian Center for Childhood and Adolescence) and the Federal University of Mato Grosso do Sul – UFMS, developing research on the situation of children and adolescents, on public policies and formative processes in school and non-school situation; b) b) Also with the purpose of producing knowledge on the subject of “Childhood and Adolescence”, five years later, in 1998, the “Escola de Conselhos” (School of Councils) was implemented at the Campo Grande Campus, with the initial proposal to capacitate the Guardianship Councils and the Municipal Councils of Rights for Childhood and Adolescence, after identifying the difficulty of adequately implementing of the Estatuto da Criança e do Adolescente – ECA (Statute of the Child and Adolescent); c) In 2005, the Pantanal Campus was contemplated, by the pro-rectorate of extension, to be the starting point of the activities of the Federal Government Program “Conexões de Saberes: diálogos entre a universidade e as comunidades populares” (Knowledge Connections: dialogues between the university and popular communities) at UFMS. It was a program developed by the Ministry of Education in partnership with Federal Institutions of Higher Education and the Observatório de Favelas (Observatory of Slums) of Rio de Janeiro. The area of concentration that supported the submission of the proposal could not be more adequate to our border reality and to the activities mentioned: Social Education. It was understood that this area was consistent with the research we had been developing in several educational institutions. We started the first class in April 2009 with 11 professors. The first defenses occurred in 2011.

Objectives and Mission


To offer a high-quality education, committed to the confrontation of social and educational inequalities, and to produce, as well as to socialize, scientific knowledge of academic and social impact, originated from the research developed by professors, students and alumnus.


General Goal: To educate qualified professionals for the production of knowledge and to face diversity situations, capable of building innovative practices in face of the constant challenges of education in formal and non-formal education institutions, in the different levels and modalities of the educational system, considering the peculiarities found in each region, whether in the country or in other countries.

Specific Objectives

– Educate future educators capable of acting in field of teaching and researching, in the different levels and modalities of teaching, evaluating and seeking to intervene critically in the formal or non-formal educational context;

– Expand the theoretical and methodological repertoire of formal and non-formal education professionals, so that they can respond to the demands of contemporaneity;

– Collaborate with the production on Education and Social Education, recognized in Brazil and other countries;

– Contribute to the development of the countryside of Mato Grosso do Sul, a state that still has a highly concentrated quality of life in the state capital.


The Program is focused on educational processes in formal and non-formal education institutions and has the following PROPOSALS:

  1. To build interfaces between formal and non-formal education, through the production of knowledge about educational processes, considering the movement of society and its contradictions;
  2. To develop research focused on guaranteeing the Rights (Education, Health, Assistance, Work) of the population of children, adolescents and their families;
  3. To carry out research about the implantation, implementation and evaluation of public policies directed to children and adolescents;
  4. To offer subsidies for the elaboration of public policies (knowledge and innovative practices), mainly those directed to children and adolescents;
  5. To produce knowledge regarding the education of future educators in formal and non-formal education situations.