Research Projects

Postado por: Gilmar Lossa


Professor: Andressa Santos Rebelo

Project title: Brazilian Educational Indicators from the Administrative Reform of the State System

Project description: The year 1995 was a milestone for the educational statistical information system in Brazil, with the reformulation of the Directorate of Information and Educational Statistics of the National Instituto Nacional de Estudos e Pesquisas Educacionais Anísio Teixeira – INEP (National Institute of Educational Studies and Research Anísio Teixeira), until then responsible for organizing educational census data, and the creation of the Integrated Educational Information System. The Master Plan for Reform of the State apparatus reached the Ministry of Education, which needed an effective and reliable information system for proper evaluation of the Brazilian educational system, in order to make the data collected relevant to the administrations at the school, municipality, and state levels. Based on this issue, the objective of this project is to analyze the Brazilian educational indicators from the Administrative Reform of the State System. As specific objectives, we intend to discuss the changes in the Brazilian educational policy and analyze the movement of enrollment, educational establishments and other educational indicators in Brazil. Statistical surveys undertaken by INEP and micro data obtained by the School Census of Basic Education (MEC/INEP) are analyzed. These data will make it possible to know the process of implementation of educational policies in the country. Thus, the quantitative data may favor an in-depth reading, based on a qualitative analysis that considers the social impacts of educational policies.

Professor: Cláudia Araújo de Lima

Project title: Eçaí Observatory: Education, Health, Development and other human rights of children and adolescents on the Brazil and Bolivia border

Project description: This project aims to expand knowledge about the expressions of violation of the rights of children and adolescents in the border region, as well as the actions in development that protect them and promote citizenship in accordance with the Statute of the Child and Adolescent on the Brazilian side and the Statutes and departmental or provincial legislation of Bolivia. It also intends to analyze how this process develops in the daily life of public policies in the region. The proposal is that studies and research should be carried out in cities on the border line or strip between Brazil and Bolivia, and in the first stage projects between the Federal University of Mato Grosso do Sul / Pantanal Campus / Postgraduate Program in Education – PPGE and the Autonomous University Gabriel René Moreno (UAGRM) / Instituto de Investigación de la Facultad de Humanidades (INIFH) with institutionalization of the partnership through joint protocol. In the second stage, technical cooperation agreements will be established between the Brazilian universities and municipalities of Corumbá and Ladário/Mato Grosso do Sul/Brazil with the provinces of Puerto Quijarro and Puerto Suárez/Department of Santa Cruz/Bolivia.

For more information, click here.

Professor: Fabiano Antonio dos Santos

Project title: Policies to improve the quality of education: consensus building

Project description: This research aims to understand the strategies recommended by contemporary educational policies (international and national) for the achievement and conservation of hegemony. It intends to systematize the proposals of multilateral organizations for education in the next decade and to research the processes by which they influence the formulation of national policies. We work on the hypothesis that the great attention given to policies aimed at improving the quality of education, which establish the evaluation of education and policies of teacher accountability are part of important strategies for producing consensus. As a cut-off point, we intend to analyze how the policies promoted by the World Bank and Unesco/Orealc materialize in national policies, particularly in the Plano de Desenvolvimento da Educação (Education Development Plan) and the Plano Nacional de Educação (National Education Plan).

Professors: Mônica de Carvalho Magalhães Kassar and Andressa Santos Rebelo

Project title: Study on the connection between the service to the person with disability in Brazil and European and North American production

Project description: In the history of Brazilian special education, there are numerous examples of foreign references in the policies and practices adopted in relation to educational service for people with disabilities. Based on this observation, the objective of this project is to understand the connection between the conceptions of disability and their care in Europe and North America and the formation of the perspective of the educational care policy in Brazil for this population. The research corpus consists of documents from Brazilian legislation, Brazilian scientific production regarding disability and its care at different times, European and North American scientific production regarding disability and its care at different times, and international documents of orientation to different countries. It is a documental research and for the purpose of organizing the procedures of data collection and analysis, we divide the work into three periods: Cologne and Empire; the beginning of the Republic until the 1988 Constitution; and the 1988 Constitution until the beginning of the 21st Century.

For more information, click here.

Professors: Mônica de Carvalho Magalhães Kassar and Andressa Santos Rebelo

Project title: Information and Communication Technology (ICT) and innovation in schooling processes in inclusive education: different contexts in Brazil and Spain

Project description: One of the great problems of Brazilian education today is the failure to achieve the goal of literacy for all students up to the age of 8. This issue takes on greater proportions from the moment that the Brazilian State chooses to serve the target public of special education students in common schools of basic education, demanding the formulation of public policies that guarantee the learning of these students and new ways of organizing pedagogical work in schools. The research project proposed here intends to promote changes in school organization (creating time and offering material and personal resources that help the integral development of students), in teachers’ beliefs and practices (offering specific training and advice), and in students’ learning (prioritizing the participation of all students in differentiated activities). Full mastery of the use of the mother tongue, in its different forms, plays a structuring role in the organization of thought and in the acquisition of other school knowledge, which makes it essential and a priority in the schooling process. Aware of the responsibilities of public education networks to implement the policy of school inclusion, the objective of this research is to analyze possible impacts of the daily use of information and communication technologies (ICT) to transform pedagogical practices at school, in face of the challenge of organizing creative and innovative actions that adequately meet the schooling needs of schools in situations of diversity/adversity. Specifically, it aims at: 1. To evaluate possible impacts of the daily use of ICT in classrooms on students’ school development, especially in the reading and writing processes; 2. To investigate the impact of continuing education actions for the use of ICT for basic education teachers, in the processes of creating procedures for the schooling of students with different special educational needs in common schools; 3. To analyze possible impacts of the exchange of pedagogical practices that involve the use of these technologies, educational materials and modifications in the curriculum, with a focus on diversity, in schools in Brazil and Spain; 4. To investigate possible impacts of the instrumentalization of technicians of the Brazilian education secretariats on access, use and development of official databases in strengthening support for innovative actions in local educational policies. To develop this work, it is intended to carry out an action-research, with the use of Information and Communication Technologies (ICT) in different educational contexts. The empirical field consists of public schools based in the cities of Belém (PA), Rio de Janeiro (RJ), Duque de Caxias (RJ), Campo Grande (MS) and Corumbá (MS) in Brazil and Guadalajara (C-LM, Spain) and Alcalá de Henares (CM, Spain) in Spain. This proposal is justified as an attempt to promote a qualified articulation between the university and basic education schools, to contribute to changes in this reality. The proposal is articulated in a multidisciplinary way, involving knowledge produced by groups of researchers who investigate: policies and practices of special education, human development and education, access and treatment of statistical data from official sources, evaluation of educational programs, processes of acquisition of reading and writing in common schools, information and communication technologies in the classroom, media, games in educational contexts and digital literacy, information systems and databases. Its participants present scientific production in the areas of Public Policies, Education, Special Education, Statistics, Educational Indicators, Literacy, Computer Science, Educational Technology, Language Studies and Psychology.

For more information, click here.

Professor: Vanessa Catherina Neumann Figueiredo

Research Project: Prevalence of Common Mental Disorder (CMD) in female workers seeking employment: a survey of unemployed women in informal jobs in Corumbá and Campo Grande

Project description: This project aims to verify the prevalence of Common Mental Disorders in 400 women who are seeking work in the city of Campo Grande and Corumbá and had their registration with the Centro Integrado de Atendimento ao Trabalhador (Integrated Center for Workers’ Assistance) by the year 2014. This is an epidemiological survey, during which a socioeconomic and occupational questionnaire, the SRQ-20 scale and the Psychosocial Suffering Assessment Scale of Unemployed Workers will be applied. This research aims to provide data on female workers in the city of Corumbá and Campo Grande, and to provide students with the possibility of investigating a little-known theme in Brazil, in an empirical epidemiological approach that could underpin other studies in the country. Funding Agency: Fundect/CNPq.

Professor: Vanessa Catherina Neumann Figueiredo

Research Project: Prevalence of common mental disorder and psychosocial suffering of unemployed workers in Mato Grosso do Sul

Project description: This research aims to verify the mental health of unemployed workers in Mato Grosso do Sul in 2017 and 2018. It is an epidemiological, descriptive, cross-sectional study that will investigate the frequency and distribution of mental disorder and feelings related to unemployment condition, based on the hypothesis that the longer the time of searching for employment the greater the prevalence of psychic suffering. There will be 400 workers, 200 from Corumbá and 200 from Campo Grande, who will answer a sociodemographic questionnaire, the Employability Scale, the Psychic and Social Suffering of the Unemployed Scale and the Self Reporting Questionnaire.

Professor: Vanessa Catherina Neumann Figueiredo

Research Project: Psychic and social suffering in unemployed men in the city of Corumbá-MS

Project description: This research aims at seeking from the viewpoint of psychological science constituted at the interface mental health and work to contribute and add to the debate on the issue of unemployment, verifying aspects related to the psychic suffering and social suffering of individuals who find themselves in the condition of not working, thus making it possible to generate knowledge about the understanding of the subjectivity of the unemployed and human suffering, its contents, its meanings and its forms, as well as the historical-social factors that are interrelated to this phenomenon. The study will be developed through a quantitative approach, of transversal view, in which 200 unemployed men in the city of Corumbá-MS will be interviewed, using the following instruments: socioeconomic questionnaire and Assessment Scale of Psychic and Social Suffering of the unemployed. The inclusion criteria will be to be registered or seeking employment at the Casa do Trabalhador de Corumbá and to be of legal age, and the exclusion criterion will be to already have a formal job. The results represent a possibility to understand how the lack of work and the objective and subjective difficulties arising from this condition interfere in their lives and can be a broad field of intervention for work psychologists, still little explored.

Professor: Fabiano Antonio dos Santos

Research Project: Trajectories from global to local in educational evaluation policies in Latin America: an international study in a network

Project description: This research has as investigative theme the external evaluation applied to the school context. This type of evaluation gained prominence in the 1990s, when most Latin American states underwent major reforms. Since that period, an international agenda for education has been built, whose focus is the measurement of education. In this context, the international agenda for education has Multilateral Organizations (OM) as its main mandataries. The main objective of the research is to map the uses that Brazil, Chile, Colombia and Mexico make of external evaluations, identifying common and distinct aspects among these countries. The research will be carried out through the analysis of documents produced by the most influential OMs in the policies of educational evaluation in each country, in addition to the analysis of the main national documents, responsible for guiding the process of external evaluation in schools. After the first analyses, there will be a cross between the common uses of evaluation proposed in each country, in order to draw a general panorama for the region. Therefore, it is hoped to produce a study that points out the uses that have been made of external evaluations in Latin America.

Professor: Vanessa Catherina Neumann Figueiredo

Research Project: Analysis of the occurrence of pathogenic suffering in the university context

Project description: This research aims to analyze the organization of labor and its relationship with the emergence of pathogenic suffering in the university context of the city of Corumbá – MS, having as specific objectives to analyze and compare the occurrence of social pathologies in teachers and technicians of public service and private initiative; analyze the relationship between the organization of labor and situations of symbolic violence (moral harassment), voluntary servitude (workaholism), stress and burnout; and identify the defensive strategies used in the face of suffering; analyze aspects that generate pleasure and professional achievement in the context of labor. In order to reach these objectives, the study will be based on the approach of the Psychodynamics of Work, which has gained relevance since the 80s, and seeks to analyze the relationship between the organization of work and suffering in the work context, understanding that the effects of work performed in precarious and overloaded conditions are linked to the emergence and manifestations of pathogenic suffering. In the first stage of the project the presence of workholic, Burnout and harassment in the university context will be raised, and as the Psychodynamics of Work understands that work can be resignified when it offers the subjects the possibility of placing their intelligence and know-how in the execution of their professional activities, meeting individual projects and desires, the second stage of the research will be constituted by the qualitative analysis made from meetings with lecturers and technicians of the researched institutions. Based on the Psychodynamics of Labor Clinic, this stage of the study may provide reflection and resignification of the suffering experienced during the collective meetings, aiming not only to ensure the fulfillment of the research objectives, but also to improve mental health and quality at work, as well as to reduce the number of withdrawals and requests for removal/discontinuation of teaching work, from the strengthening of social ties. Therefore, the relevance of the quanti-quality design is due to the need of investigating how subjectivity is mobilized to face adverse aspects of work organization, not only the survey of conflicting and suffering situations in each group (coordinators, teachers and technicians). By being aware of the use of defenses, it is expected that each category can break with situations that generate illness, because when they accept and/or promote abusive behavior it is the physical, psychological and moral integrity that is achieved, in addition to the very objective of the institution and the quality of service provided. Regarding the innovation of this research project, few studies have focused on the mental health of workers in Mato Grosso do Sul, mainly from the perspective of Labor Psychodynamics (SILVA, 2014; AZEVEDO; FIGUEIREDO, 2015; AFFELDT, 2016; BASSOLI, 2017; SANTOS, 2017; VASCONCELLOS, 2017). This methodology aims at both analyzing the occurrences of suffering and encouraging the creation of spaces that enhance the health of workers in higher education institutions. Thus, it is expected that the final products generated may contribute in the elaboration and practice of care and attention technologies that serve as models for the education context, recognizing the importance of work in the production of health or suffering and illness.

Professor: Beatriz Rosalia Gomes Xavier Flandoli

Project title: Mental health of prison system workers in cities of Mato Grosso do Sul

Project description: This research is proposed by the Society, Violence and Punitive System Line of Research and the Observatory of Violence and Prison System, linked to the group of Studies and Research on Culture, Psychology, Education and Work and aims to investigate the mental health conditions of the staff of the prison system who work in prison units in the cities of Corumbá, Campo Grande and Dourados in Mato Grosso do Sul. It is a qualitative research guided by the theoretical reference of socio-historical psychology, which understands work as a central activity in human life, which gives it meaning and participates in the constitution of identity. This theoretical side also warns that, due to the complexity and demands of contemporary society, especially in the Western world, after the advent of the capitalist mode of production, work also becomes a determining factor for the conditions of illness of individuals. The research is carried out through interviews and the application of semi-structured questionnaires containing objective and subjective questions with the servants at their place of work. The intention is to contribute to the analysis and evaluation of the working conditions of the  prison staff, taking into account the current crisis of the prison system in the country and promoting systematic reflections on the organization and functioning of the work activity of the workers of the prison system in the units researched.

Professor: Bárbara Amaral Martins

Project title: Construction of Pedagogical Instruments for the Identification of Students with High Abilities/Giftedness

Project description: Students with high abilities/giftedness need to be properly identified so that the educational measures necessary for the maximum development of their potential can be taken. Thus, the objective of this research is to build and validate an instrument for the identification of students with indicators of high abilities/giftedness in Elementary School I, destined for the use of teachers.



Professor: Márcia Regina do Nascimento Sambugari

Project title: Initial reading instruction and literacy in school and non-school contexts

Project description: The study seeks to compose a state of knowledge regarding literacy and literacy in Brazil, covering two fronts of study: school and non-school spaces. In the first one, the interest is in pedagogical practices, in the education (initial and continuing) of initial reading instruction teachers and in national initial reading instruction policies and programs. In the second, the focus is on understanding the initial reading instruction and literacy process in contexts such as the family, foster homes and other non-school institutions.

Professors: Márcia Regina do Nascimento Sambugari and Sílvia Adriana Rodrigues

Project title: Initiation and constitution of teaching in initial reading instruction contexts: education and practices

Project description: Nowadays, the school processes of initiation to reading and writing highlight dilemmas and challenges in the field of teacher training and practice, pointing to the need to understand literacy in a broader way, beyond the management of pre-organized teaching materials. It is based on the problem that the vision of literacy and literacy of current and future teachers is built from the situations experienced in their family and schooling path; as well as that in most cases, both in the experience of the initial training course and in continuing education, these perceptions cannot be altered and will be translated into practice. Thus, the question is: which elements have influenced the constitution of knowledge of the literacy teacher that reverberates in their daily practices? With this study, the aim is to compose a theoretical framework about the initiation and constitution of teaching to act in contexts of literacy, in its interface with training and educational practices in the perspective of pedagogical work that also involves games, jokes and playfulness in general. The methodological approach, of the qualitative type, is configured as documental and bibliographical, for the construction of the state of the art and of the knowledge about the constitution of the teaching for the field of literacy, in order to subsidize future empirical research. The focus of analysis is on the elements that complement the mandatory curriculum of initial teacher training courses (programs, projects and actions) that influence the constitution of the professional ethos of the literacy teacher. This study also includes the analysis of the area of Languages – Portuguese Language for the Initial Years of Elementary School of the Base Nacional Comum Curricular – BNCC (Common National Curricular Base). It is also intended to map and analyze continuing education initiatives aimed at alphabetizing teachers.

Professors: Sílvia Adriana Rodrigues and Marcia Regina do Nascimento Sambugari

Project title: Intersections between life stories, professionalization and education: with the word the Kindergarten teachers (nurseries and pre-schools)

Project description: The present project adopts as a general objective to understand the constituent characteristics of the identity and professionalism of teachers throughout their careers, specifically in Early Childhood Education, involving aspects of training and professional development in different contexts. It also has as specific objectives: to identify and discuss the specificities of the teaching career in Early Childhood Education (kindergarten and pre-school); to capture and reflect on the experiences that provoked the learning related to the construction of identity and professional teaching specifically in Early Childhood Education; to seek and discuss common and dissonant traits of the constituent aspects of identity and professional teaching in different contexts. Regarding methodology, this is a qualitative research that will work with the biographical approach and life stories. Seeking to identify not only what professionals think, but also possible factors that interfere with their professional way of doing it, the company has elected itself as a subject of Early Childhood Education teachers (nursery schools and pre-schools), operating in the municipalities of Corumbá-MS, Três Lagoas-MS and Presidente Prudente-SP. These municipalities were selected considering the spaces of professional activity of the researchers involved, as well as presenting different social realities, which hypothetically will allow the broadening of the look at the subject to be studied. Regarding the treatment and analysis of data, such procedures will be carried out in the light of the proposal of discourse analysis on the Bakhtinian side.

Professor: Sílvia Adriana Rodrigues

Project title: Early childhood education in Brazilian research

Project description: The educational assistance of young children in the Brazilian context has a relatively short history; if we look at public policies and regulations that have this concern, we will notice that this is a legal achievement of about four decades. Thus, the studies, debates and discussion forums that involve the conceptions about how the education of young children in collective spaces and the organization of pedagogical practices should be that promote learning and child development continue intense. In this direction, we question what has been produced in Brazil about Early Childhood Education? What are the epistemological and methodological trends of Brazilian studies? What aspects/elements of Kindergarten have been privileged in the investigations undertaken in Brazilian graduate programs in Education? What impacts/reflections have the different public policies for Early Childhood Education caused in the determination of studies in this field? Thus, what is intended in this study is the mapping of what has already been produced in Brazil, in terms of scientific investigations, which have resulted in theses and dissertations, specifically in the area of Education. The intention is not only to create a database of studies on Brazilian Early Childhood Education, but also to trace the trends of investigations carried out over time from different historical-legal frameworks, seeking to identify the positive and negative interferences of the different official documents that pedagogically regulate the level of education in question in academic discourses and reflections. The investigation, of quanti-qualitative approach, bibliographic character, qualified according to the objectives as exploratory and descriptive, is also configured as state of knowledge. The survey of data – theses and dissertations produced in Postgraduate Education Programs – will be conducted at the base of the Biblioteca Digital Brasileira de Teses e Dissertações – BDTD (Brazilian Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations). As far as the treatment of information to be obtained is concerned, as it is a research on research, it will be carried out in the light of the French content analysis technique.

Professor: Deyvid Tenner de Souza Rizzo

Project title: Sport and society: meanings of students, athletes, teachers and coaches

Project description: How can we talk about inclusion through sports, if we have evidence of a singular and individualistic homogeneous sports practice nowadays? Based on this questioning, we believe in the importance of systematizing educational sport, in any physical space, institutional or not. Therefore, the aim of this study is to analyze the meanings that students and teachers of the basic education network, athletes and coaches who attend the sports complex in Corumbá-MS have about sport. It also aims to identify the positive and, perhaps, negative impacts of the presence of sport in the lives of these subjects and, thus, propose a pedagogical intervention through the values of educational sport. The research has a qualitative approach with participant observation in the field of study; added to the application of questionnaires to 100 students in the school environment, 100 athletes who attend some sport modality in the sports complexes with ages ranging from 6 to 18 years old, 5 School Physical Education teachers and 5 coaches; these will answer a questionnaire with open and closed questions and their answers will be analyzed with the help of the software IMARUTEQ (Interface de R pour les Analyses Multidimensionnelles de Textes et de Questionnaires). This study may show that individuals who practice sports in School Physical Education are experiencing the same values of high-performance sports preached in sports complexes. Therefore, the importance of sport pedagogization, which may increase the field of possibilities for these adolescents and improve the practice of teachers and coaches, creating an affective bond between sport and human beings, offering concrete chances of social interaction, stimulating everyone’s participation. The study on educational sport is extremely relevant to society, especially when we think about the new generations, who are primarily responsible for future social changes and for the renewal of values and traditions.

Professor: Amanda de Mattos Pereira Mano 

Project title: Ideas about the social world and its implications for teacher training and pedagogical practice

Project description: This project involves researches related to the construction of social knowledge according to Jean Piaget’s constructivist framework. Therefore, the aim is to investigate the ideas elaborated by children and adolescents in relation to the social world. The results of these surveys directly contribute to the understanding of social reality, implying teacher training and pedagogical practice.


Professor: Cláudia Araújo de Lima

Project title: Eçaí Observatory: Education, Health, Development and other human rights of children and adolescents on the Brazil and Bolivia border

Project description: This project aims to expand knowledge about the expressions of violation of the rights of children and adolescents in the border region, as well as the actions in development that protect them and promote citizenship in accordance with the Statute of the Child and Adolescent on the Brazilian side and the Statutes and departmental or provincial legislation of Bolivia. It also intends to analyze how this process develops in the daily life of public policies in the region. The proposal is that studies and research should be carried out in cities on the border line or strip between Brazil and Bolivia, and in the first stage projects between the Federal University of Mato Grosso do Sul / Pantanal Campus / Postgraduate Program in Education – PPGE and the Autonomous University Gabriel René Moreno (UAGRM) / Instituto de Investigación de la Facultad de Humanidades (INIFH) with institutionalization of the partnership through joint protocol. In the second stage, technical cooperation agreements will be established between the Brazilian universities and municipalities of Corumbá and Ladário/Mato Grosso do Sul/Brazil with the provinces of Puerto Quijarro and Puerto Suárez/Department of Santa Cruz/Bolivia.

For more information, click here.

Professor: Constantina Xavier Filha

Project title: Violence against children and Human Rights: playing of thinking and doing

Project description: This research aims to analyze, discuss and understand concepts and conceptions of violence against children and human rights of groups of children living in Campo Grande, capital of Mato Grosso do Sul, students of municipal public schools of this city. The purpose of this research proposal is to problematize the mentioned themes, as well as gender violence and, above all, the self-care and capacity of children themselves to protect themselves and seek help in situations of violation of their rights, as well as learn strategies to demand that their rights be guaranteed. As methodological assumptions, from the perspective of post-critical research, we will adopt the type of research-intervention. We intend to use weekly meetings with groups of children to produce information about the prioritized themes and, later, the discussion and production of educational materials, among them, animation films. The theoretical reference of the study is based on the Foucaultian assumptions, Cultural Studies and Gender Studies

For more information, click here.

Professor: Fabiano Quadros Rückert

Project title: Schooling and Citizenship in Republican Brazil: an analysis from a historical perspective

Project description: The focus of the Project is on the study of the relations historically established between schooling and citizenship in Republican Brazil. Starting from the premise that schooling is a historical construct that involves, on one hand, political actions aimed at systematizing and regulating school education, and, on the other hand, the production of discourses and representations about the social function of school education, the Project intends to explore the different conceptions of citizenship thought and projected during the history of schooling in Republican Brazil. Within the fixed scope, the Project will be developed from a qualitative methodology that will be based on the articulation between bibliographical research and the analysis of documental sources referring to education policies discussed and/or implemented in the Republic.

Professor: Isabella Fernanda Ferreira

Research Project: Teaching approach and its constitutive elements: possible reflections from Theodor W. Adorno’s perspective

Project description: When we discuss the specificity of the teaching activity, we automatically refer to the various investigations on how the teaching and learning process is established. Historically, pedagogy has appropriated sciences from different areas to better define the phenomenon of teaching and learning, which ended up generating different theoretical perspectives on the subject.  Such perspectives are not dissociated from the pedagogical practice, on the contrary, it is a constitutive part of it, even if the teacher is aware of it or not.  These different theoretical perspectives on the phenomenon of teaching and learning have in themselves several concepts that define their different conceptions of the world, of society, of how knowledge is acquired, of culture, of teaching methodology, of evaluation, of education, in short, of everything that is directly and indirectly incorporated in the teaching and learning relationships.  Understanding these conceptual elements in a coherent relationship with the teaching work is a specificity of Didactics. Many teaching approaches have been thought of throughout the history of education, from the traditional teaching directive approach to the more contemporary ones that criticize the total directivism of teachers in their teaching activities.  In this sense, this research aims to reflect on these differences in conceptions – already mentioned above – that are immanent to every teaching approach through the categories of analysis – cultural formation, cultural semi-formation and cultural industry – of one of the classical theorists of the Frankfurt School, Theodor W. Adorno taking into consideration the principles of his negative dialectic method of analysis.

Professor: Josiane Peres Gonçalves

Project title: Gender, Sexuality and Diversity: Social Representations of the School Community of Mato Grosso do Sul

Project description: The research covers discussions related to the human development process, including the phases of childhood, adolescence, adulthood and old age, with emphasis on gender relations, sexuality and diversity in the educational sphere, in the State of Mato Grosso do Sul. The research proposal is characterized as a qualitative research and aims to: a) develop theoretical studies to better understand some issues inherent to: gender, sexuality, diversity, human development, family relations, social representations, among others; b) conduct field research in municipalities of Mato Grosso do Sul with representatives of the school community of basic education and higher education, in order to deepen the understanding of the issues mentioned; c) systematize and organize the results of the research in the form of scientific articles to be published in qualified journals and annals of national and international events. It is hoped to contribute to a better understanding of the issues inherent in the different phases of life, as well as family relations, gender, sexuality and diversity in educational spaces in the State of Mato Grosso do Sul.

Professor: Josiane Peres Gonçalves

Project title: Performance of male teachers in South Mato Grosso special education and Paraguayan public schools: social representations of the school community

Project description: This research proposal, which is linked to the Grupo de Estudo e Pesquisa em Desenvolvimento, Gênero e Educação – GEPDGE (Study and Research Group on Development, Gender and Education), deals with issues inherent to gender relations in education, more specifically about the performance of male teachers in public schools in Paraguay and special education institutions in Mato Grosso do Sul. It aims at identifying the social representations of teachers, family members and managers of the South Mato Grosso special education area, as well as public schools of the first level of formal Paraguayan education, in relation to the educational work developed by male teachers. The research of qualitative nature will be carried out through the recording of interviews with representatives of the school community of both countries, whose results will be used for the elaboration of scientific articles that will be published in qualified magazines, besides the annals of national and international events.

Funding Agency: Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico – CNPq

Professor: Tiago Duque

Project title: Curricula, artifacts, and differences: gender and sexuality via cultural pedagogies in contexts of the state of Mato Grosso do Sul

Project description: The aim of this project is to analyze the cultural pedagogy of gender and sexuality in the curricula of different artifacts in contexts of the state of Mato Grosso do Sul. The theoretical and methodological perspective is the post-critical one in Education, considering ethnography (online and off-line) and other methodological experiences such as semi-structured interviews, analysis of documents, images, etc. The focus on contexts in the state of Mato Grosso will favor the production of knowledge, technology and innovation that will contribute not only to the regional reality, but also to the production of knowledge in education and, considering the thematic of gender and sexuality issues, new technologies that may help the performance of different social groups. The expected effort for its development goes through the interest in bringing together students of different educational levels, maintaining the dialogue with researchers from different research groups, and publishing the results of the analyses. It is expected, besides the training of new researchers, the institutional strengthening of the research line and the program to which its coordinator is linked.

Professor: Jorge Luis Mazzeo Mariano

Project title: Feminine Schooling and Feminization of the Magisterium in Corumbá/MS (1912-1971)

Project description: The main objective of the research is to gather documentary and bibliographical data on female education and the feminization of teaching in Corumbá MS from 1912 to 1971. The specific objectives are to map the quantity and type of files and documents available on the thematic and temporal cutout of the research, to survey published academic works that focus on the feminine presence in the school institutions of that municipality, to identify the saturation and gaps in research on the feminization of teaching in Corumbá/MS, and to create a research instrument that will subsidize future studies in the area. The institutions focused will be mainly the Grupo Escolar Luiz de Albuquerque (Luiz de Albuquerque School Group), the Ginásio Maria Leite (Maria Leite Gymnasium) and the Escola Normal e Ginásio Imaculada Conceição (Normal School and Immaculate Conception Gymnasium). The research that will last 24 months will use a qualitative approach, besides being guided by the theoretical and methodological assumptions of the Nova História Cultural (New Cultural History). The present proposal for the creation of a research instrument will therefore be based on a historical approach, focusing on documentary and bibliographic research and will use procedures for locating, retrieving, gathering, selecting and organizing documentary sources of the archives and collections to be researched, in addition to being based on a theoretical reference concerning the History of Education, History and Archivology.

