2nd International Conference on LGBT Psychology

Postado por: ppge


Dear collagues,

During the last decades there has been an increase in the theoretical and empirical body of knowledge in LGBT psychology and related fields. However, this new body of knowledge is still somewhat dispersed and not widespread, which makes the process of affirming LGBT topics very difficult in the current international scientific scenario.

After the success of the 1st International Conference on LGBT Psychology and related fields: Coming-out for LGBT Psychology in the current international scenario, held in Lisbon, Portugal in June 2013, we are very happy and honored to announce the 2nd International Conference on LGBT Psychology in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil in March 2016. This 2nd Conference will be the perfect opportunity to continue our joint efforts to affirm LGBT Psychology as a viable and legitimate discipline from a scientific standpoint, with a particular body of knowledge.

The 2nd International Conference in LGBT Psychology and related fields: Tackling the Impact of Discrimination against LGBT People Worldwide, will feature invited addresses by eminent scholars who have significantly advanced the field of LGBT PSychology: Dr Eric Fassin (Université Paris 8, France), Dr Jaime Barrientos (Universidad Católica del Norte, Chile), Dr Anthony Lyons (La Trobe University, Australia), and Dr Carien Lubbe-De Beer (University of Pretoria, South Africa).

Call for papers are now open for Thematic Symposiums!
Submission deadline: NOVEMBER 15, 2015.

For more information about submissions and registration got towww.lgbtpsychology2016.pt.vu/ or follow us on Facebook.

Anna Uziel, Fernando Pocahi, Henrique Pereira, Pedro Alexandre Costa
