Seventh Meeting on Ethics and Political Philosophy – Braga, June 15-16, 2016

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Call for Papers

​Seventh Braga Meeting on Ethics and Political Philosophy (BMEPP)
Political Theory Group, University of Minho (Braga), June 15-16, 2016Venue: University of Minho, Campus de Gualtar, Braga (Portugal)

Organisers: João Ribeiro Mendes, Daniele Santoro

We welcome paper proposals for the

​Seventh​ Meeting of Ethics and Political Philosophy, which will be held at University of Minho, Braga (Portugal), on June 15-16, 2016.
The Braga meetings have established a reputation in the past six

​edition​s for providing an excellent opportunity to present both advanced and exploratory work in front of an open and welcoming audience. Graduate students, junior researchers and senior scholars are welcome to submit their work.

Keynote speakers

Kimberley Bronwlee (University of Warwick) on “The Ethics and Politics of Sociability”;

Daniel Weinstock  (McGill University) on “Hobbesian Toleration”

Abstracts submission

We invite proposals for papers in any area of moral, political, or legal philosophy and in normative political theory.

This year we will host a special session on “The Ethics of Dissent: Civil Disobedience, Conscientious Objection, and Whistleblowing”, and plan to publish a selection of the papers from this session in a special issue of a peer-review journal.

Submissions should contain a 400-500 word abstract (pdf or word format) prepared for blind review along with 5 keywords. Include your name, contact information, affiliation, and a short bio in the text of the email.
Please, specify whether you intend to submit your proposal for the special session.

Send you proposals to the conference email:

Further queries can be directed to the same address.

Deadline for submissions: April 10 2016.

Notification of acceptance: April 30,  2015.

Information about registration, accommodation and travelling is available on our site:

This event is organised by the Political Theory Group at CEHUM, University of Minho (Braga).

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